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End of Season Scanning Summary

This 2019 spring was quite challenging so most with poor weather and cows not showing trong heats. This reflected in a below average submission rate and subsequently a lower than average conception rate.The 6 week in calf rate (WICR) is the best indicator of how mating went for people as it gives everyone a set time period, whereas empty rates vary drastically depending on your mating methods (AI or bull) and mating period (with ranges between 9 weeks to 16 weeks). The 6 WICR is drawn from ...

May 6, 2020

Veterinary Services: Covid-19 Level 4

As you will be aware, the Covid-19 Alert Level has now essentially been raised to 4. We have been informed that veterinary services are classified as an essential service, but that we will be restricted in how we operate. Please take time to read this information below.Small AnimalsWe will be postponing all non-essential routine procedures for Small Animals at our clinics from Tuesday 24th March. We apologise for this but will rebook all these appointments from the 4th of May (or earlier if appr...

March 23, 2020

Doing our bit to flatten the curve

Even with all the changes related to the control of Covid-19 it's relatively business as usual for us - keeping your animals healthy and happy. However, you may notice that we are implementing a few changes to do our bit to flatten the curve.Unbelievably a government department has been first rate on its communications - giving very clear expectations on what we should all do. The Ministry of Health, led by Director General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield, has communicated clearly on Covid-19's a...

March 20, 2020

Body condition scoring and drying off

As we flick our calendars over to March it’s time to begin making adjustments to milking herd management. How you manage your herd in the next couple of months will have a significant impact on BCS at calving, which in result, will affect reproductive performance come mating time.The first step to meeting calving BCS targets (5.0 for mature cows and 5.5 for R2s and R3s) is to BCS all milking cows. This allows you to draft out groups of cows with the intention to implement a mixture of strategi...

March 4, 2020

Synchronisation treatment plans

A new study this year has found that 10% of cows on the ovsynch program did not ovulate after the day 7 PG jab because levels from the 2ml did not reach sufficient concentrations in the body to effect the ovary. The trial shows that raising the dose to 3ml increases the concentration enough to causethese 10% of cows to ovulate and have the potential to conceive at the fixed time AI. Therefore our ovsynch and prosynch protocols this season will be using 3ml...

November 13, 2018

How are your cow's levels?

Copper, selenium and magnesium are vital to a cows health. Copper is stored in the liver but selenium and magnesium have no storage mechanisms in the body. PP+ is an inclusive package which includes 5 liver biopsies, and 8 bloods, ideally from a mix of different aged animals and body condition animals, so we get an idea of the mineral status of the herd at this time. Additional tests can be added including; calcium, B-OH (as measurement of ketosis), G...

November 6, 2018

24 hour turnaround milk testing

Mastitis is frustrating! Even more so when we don’t know where it is coming from or we are having trouble clearing up cases. We have a test available at the practice which gives us results within 24 hours to help improve overall cure rates in your herd. Mastatest identifies the type of bacteria and the most effective antibiotic treatment for each case of clinical mastitis. What we require is a milk sample from the infected quarter before any treatment has been given.This can be collected in sa...

September 17, 2018 Posts 101-107 of 107 | Page prev